Full Version: Překlad stránky Googlem přímo z menu v Opeře
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V nabídce nástroje - nastavení - pokročilé volby - lišty a menu - dole v nabídce menu klikněte na duplikovat a v adresáři profilu Opery se objeví menu\standard_menu (1).ini. Upravte v UTF-8 a do sekce [Document Popup Menu] na vámi zvolené místo přijdete tento řádek:
Item, "Přeložit Googlem", = Go to page, "javascript: location.href=''+encodeURIComponent('%u');" ,,, 0

Pak v Opeře znovu vyberte vaši upravenou verzi menu. Na stránkách pak v kontextové nabídce uvidíte novou položku Přeložit Googlem.
Canadian news is your source for the latest news, video, opinions and analysis from Canada and around the world.
No recipe exists for leading a "right" life. The video game bitlife demonstrates this. You can select from a variety of scenarios here and make choices exactly like you would in real life. Your choices will guide you in one direction or another and mold your life in one direction or another. For instance, you can take care of your family, love your wife, and be a fantastic husband. Alternately, you might deceive her while also dating other women. Either you may succeed as an honest businessperson or you can deceive others. Choose your path, then take it to completion! Before you pass away, live an interesting life!