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Ash Chat 1.4 CZ

PHP Chat bez nutnosti instalace databáze.

  • Server: Apache webserver s podporou PHP5.
  • Klient: Prohlížeč s podporou framů a cookies.

vkládání obrázků, odkazů, smajlíky, zvuky při nové zprávě, mazání, cenzuru, zobrazení posledních 150 příspěvků se zvýrazněním libovolného výrazu, cookies, sessions (pokud nemá být zapamatována přezdívka na chvíli nebo na trvalo).

* pro novou AJAXovou verzi s MySQL použijte Ash Chat v. 2

.rar Ash-Chat.rar Size: 230,24 KB  Downloads: 729

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Hello do you have an englisch Instalation Guide for your Chat ? i have a problem with the instal and with the wight and heigh an i woud like change the language to german.

i Hope you can help me

Thanks form


Sorry, but this script needs serious rewriting, all language specific texts are hard-coded (only little of php coding was used while creating this).
I've never needed to use this chat in english, it was meant to be private while creating. If you want to translate it, feel free to do so. Should you come onto a line you wouldn't be able to translate, just ask me.
Width and height are also hardcoded, I have no idea where to change it.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

ok thanks for your help i will see in the script an look what can i do but i need help i will contact you.



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