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Convert POI (iGO6 2 iGO8) 0.3

This script converts Points of interest (POIs) from old iGO 2006 format (used by MioMap 3) to the new one - Nav N Go iGO 8 - to keep your PDA/GPS devices happy and up-to-date. To convert you also need iGO POI Explorer. All group names will be kept.

  1. Import old iGO database file to iGO POI Explorer
  2. Export all to CSV file named input.csv
  3. Parse it with this script, the result will be saved as user.upoi
  4. Return the file back to iGO installation dir/save/user.upoi

.rar Convert_POI_iGO6_2_iGO8.rar Size: 1 013 bytes  Downloads: 6 273

Use online POI editor instead.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!


I have IGO 2006Se and i want to upgrade to IGO8 (in hebrew).
will this support hebrew?
have you tested it, it will keep all my groups?
(does it run over the default POI that comes with the device?)

Hi, I really don't know, it was made quickly, just try it, maybe it will work.
No, it doesn't overwrite default POIs, just adds them.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

thank you very much i'll try it.
Doron Amedey

Quote:To convert you also need iGO POI Explorer. All group names will be kept.

Import old iGO database file to iGO POI Explorer
Export all to CSV file named input.csv
Parse it with this script, the result will be saved as user.upoi
Return the file back to iGO installation dir/save/user.upoi

Try this script live!

Dear Ashus,
I have tried to convert large kml data (POI) from Malsing using script live but fail.
Can U convert it for me. Thanks.

Attached Files
.rar input.rar Size: 725,08 KB  Downloads: 1 169

I'm really sorry, but this tool was made for converting only user-added POIs. Not the big database files. Try to search using Google to find new updated lists of POI.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Hi Ashus,

I'm new to GPS thing & not a programmer :? .... I managed to convert kml POI to igo.db
may i know how to "parse" using your attachment into upoi for igo8 :?:

Appreciate your help ... thks in advance !! Smile

Hi Klseet.

I'm developing another tool, an online editor of POI, it will import/export KML and UPOI files (it will be extendable for more Wink ). Watch this site and you'll know about it the second it's out.
btw. iGO POI Explorer can either Save (to igo6 DB file) or Export (CSV and other formats). You need to export it to CSV.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Hi Ashus,

You mean convert to csv and use it on iGO8 ? How ?

Actually I d/l the poi.kml file from

However, when I use the "POI Explorer" to convert this file to iGO6 .db & .upd format, this is what I don't understand :

- the poi.kml file is bout ~14.6MB, run slower & unable to categorise POIs on iGO8 :? ;

- converted to igo.db is about ~9.2MB & poi.upd~6.7MB, run faster & can categorise the POIs nicely on iGO2006 Plus :o .

Since the original poi.kml can convert & categorise POI icon nicely in iGO2006 Plus, why not in iGO8 ?? I must have done something wrong, or I'm using the incorrect tool & method .... any idea / suggestion :?:

Appreciate your help Smile

All those tools are designed to convert user-created POIs. Not those big compressed optimized ones, that cover whole countries. Who knows what would each tool do with it.

Edit: Oh you mean this. I've seen iGO 8 create optimized files at first start after editing KML. So on next launch, it should run faster. iGO 6 had different core, I don't see better way here. There is no way you can use directly iGO 6 *.db file (SQLite database) in iGO8 without convertion. iGO 8 UPOI format is no database, just plain text file (| pipe separated values) in UCS2-LE encoding format. And it is able to create categories.
Btw. you were supposed to use the CSV in this tool, but since it is too large to upload, you'd have to try it on your own webserver.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

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