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POI editor

doublecheese1 Wrote:SORRY I can't read Polish so I don't know what mentioned on above message

Finally, I think it's Czech rather than Polish right ?

mohol by si tam prosím ta prirobit este okno, tak aby malo telefonne cislo samostatnu kolonku?


Kolonka telefonu pridana. Aby se zajistila kompatibilita, ze se neztrati u urcitych formatu, musela se pridat do popisu na konec - klicovy retezec, co to hleda, je " phone: ". Pokud je nalezen (kml, csv), tak zbytek retezce je preveden do kolonky phone.

Dale se cela DB prevedla do jedne tabulky, radne se to naindexovalo, tak jsem ted zvedav, jestli se hodne snizi vytizeni CPU.

Captcha zmenena za dve cisla, ktere ma uzivatel secist.

Hlaste prosim chyby, co jsem prehlid.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Hello Ashus.
I have try to use your site but when i try to import de "upoi" file it gives me the following error:
"Table 'poi_editor.1104' doesn't exist".

A little help ?

Thanks, fixed.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

No, no, no.
Thank YOU for your excelent tool.
Thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you . Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Hello doublecheese1

You wrote:
"I have some how managed to successfully transfer my old user.upoi into new user.upoi
I used excel and changed the columns and it worked. However the problem is now how to convert these into KML files ."

I have the exact same problem. I have upoi of version 8.0 and I want to convert it to upoi of version 8.3. The upoi are in hebrew (Israel). So far I haven't succeeded doing it by any method I tried - including the ashus online converter.

Can you explain in details how did you manage to do it by using Excel?
Why do you want to transfer it to KML? Once you have new upoi that fits v8.3 you can simply put in your device in IGO8\Saved folder and you're done, don't you?


You wrote:
"I have some how managed to successfully transfer my old user.upoi into new user.upoi
I used excel and changed the columns and it worked. However the problem is now how to convert these into KML files ."

I have the exact same problem. I have upoi of version 8.0 and I want to convert it to upoi of version 8.3. The upoi are in hebrew (Israel). So far I haven't succeeded doing it by any method I tried - including the ashus online converter.

Can you explain in details how did you manage to do it by using Excel?
Why do you want to transfer it to KML? Once you have new upoi that fits v8.3 you can simply put in your device in IGO8\Saved folder and you're done, don't you?


doublecheese1 Wrote:
doublecheese1 Wrote:
Ashus Wrote:Urcite, jen co si zaktualizuju iGO v PDA, zjistim rozdily a pripadne vytvorim update/novy format souboru. Presouvam diskuzi k POI editoru.

EDIT: Vytvořil jsem plugin pro import a export UPOI 8.3. Otestujte, případně hlaste chyby.

Ashus, Hi again

I think you're already aware of the fact that IGO has changed structure of custom created POI's on Igo 8.3 versions.

Currently old IGO 8.0 user.upoi does not work on the mew IGO 8.3 database. I have some how managed to successfully transfer my old user.upoi into new user.upoi

I used excel and changed the columns and it worked. However the problem is now how to convert these into KML files .

Do you have any feed back on this ?

SORRY I can't read Polish so I don't know what mentioned on above message

Oh I think , you have already done converting IGO 8.0 into 8.3 ,
thanks alot

Have you been trying POI editor ( or iGO 2006 > iGO 8 converter? The latter shouldn't work for your problem.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

I tried ashus site and it the operation failed:
When I import my file (user.upoi) and then perform export as "iGO 8.3 user edited (*.UPOI)" the exported file doesn't contain any data but the following text: "@My POI"

I use upoi of israel in hebrew. This file is supported only in V8.0 but not in V8.3.

Please help

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