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POI editor

Thanks Ashus,

Being the pain in the A*** that I am do you know how many fields to the csv import and are headers required ?


The header is not required. Just look into the import scripts - inc.import.csv.php:

Line is divided to variables $tmp [0-4] by commas, last variable may contain any number of commas
    $entry['lon'] = CleanStr($tmp[0]);
    $entry['lat'] = CleanStr($tmp[1]);
    $entry['name'] = CleanStr($tmp[2]);
    $entry['desc'] = CleanStr($tmp[3]); 

' phone: ' is searched for in the $entry['desc'] variable. If found, it splits data into desc and phone variables.
'# Folder: ' is also searched for. If found, it sets the category name for all following entries.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Thanks very much

now clear as mud :lol: :lol:



Could you please check the KML export on your editor.

It may be me but everytime I try to export to kml I can only save in html whic obviously will not work

Thanks in advance



Try another browser.

    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: hack');
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="poi.kml"');
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"); 

This header says, that a download box needs to be displayed to the user (no direct opening in browser), and that the file is binary. It also states, the data shouldn't be cached anywhere on the way.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Thanks I was using Opera will try IE8


Thanks again Ashus you are a star.
How about another one.

Copied user.upoi to sd card igo8/save and it takes some 10 minutes to load and no pois can be found under find or manage so I created a poi on the device and when I opened user.upoi in notepad I got the following

1|Test|Ex work||53.656896|-1.823424|_GBR||||HD3 3|Huddersfield, Lindley|Plover Road|18|||

This looks to me to be a binary file (or chinese) my region is set to UK.

Any suggestions please.

By the way if we ever meet I owe you a beer or three


Is that RTL a joke or what??

There are two possible UPOI formats, it looks like you are using iGo8, but trying to export to iGo8.3. Try another format.

Actually I use Opera for everything without any problems. You may try to make a clean install of the latest Opera 9.63 (delete preferences, but keep emails, bookmarks etc). But if you decide to use IE just for POI editor, I'm OK with that. Stick to Opera, the coolest and fastest browser on earth Wink

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Thanks again Ashus

I am using Opera 9.52 will update and for Igo


Dobrý den,
Jednak Vám chci poděkovat za skvělý nástroj, jednak Vás chci poprosit o radu: Potřebuji vytvořit user.upoi pro IGo 8.3.xx, ovšem z dat z různých exotických zdrojů. Po všelijakých pokusech o konverzi sem/tam/zpět, jsem nakonec všechny databáze dostal do tvaru souboru *.CSV, což parádně funguje, nicméně má to hák - po konverzi vaším scriptem na *.upoi dojde k setřídění dat podle abecedy - vzhledem k počtu bodů už zpětně nedohledám a nedopíšu ke které skupině POI patří. Nedá se nějak už v tom csvčku předchroustat scriptu, aby doplnil skupinu už při generování *.upoi? Vím, že by se to dalo zpětně přečíst ze zdrojáku, jenže já zvládám akorát asembler :-(.

1|Skupina X|Becov Most||50.44891|13.717|||||||||||

BTW: doufám že tenhle text dává smysl.

Díky moc

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