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Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++

$match_user_and_server = false;

true | false; if true, users will see only their own servers
server file names must start with the username - case insensitive, eg. .inc.php or
user 'admin' is special - he has access rights to all servers
if users get 'No servers available' error, it means they have no server configured for them.

This could be used for just that. And sure, send the updated language file.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

2.33 RELEASED Smile

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

You are the best, you already know that of course but I just want to say it Wink
I am going to test it :mrgreen:

It looks better, nice Big Grin

But how can I use the punkbuster screenshot part?
I filled in the $screenshots_path

$screenshots_path should point to the directory where screenshots are generated,
use relative or absolute filesystem path if you run PHP Rcon on the same machine as gameserver and the rights allow it (or you could create a symlink on linux)
or use http://* for remote server (you might need to create a symlink to the screenshot path or configure the webserver directory alias specifically to allow this folder; you can also limit the access there only to your webhosting IP address)

Then by clicking the Screenshots link, you will send a request to download the complete list of screenshots taken. Clicking any player's names here will send another request to download the specific image. If they are not ready yet, it will show the black image with the text "no image", images are not cached, so you can click the player name again to reload. The image is downloaded by the webserver (from local or remote path) and then passed to you (proxied). That's why you can limit it to webhosting IP/range and it doesn't matter where the client sits.

What is your problem again? Try to download the file pbsvss.htm from the path you are entering. It must be accessible by the webserver.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

was wondering if i could somehow make phprcon apply a blacklist to the incoming ip addresses and institue a kick or a ban if the incoming ip address matches the blacklist?

im thinking it would have somthing to do with the coding that makes it echo the server info but i cant find the correct files which contains the particular bit of coding

the reason im askign this is beacuse we have a person that likes to come in and run an rcon flooder and make it impossible to get rid of him, and im hoping that if i am able to, running a script that checks ip addresses as they connect and kicking them if they match the blacklist would keep him from being able to flood your phprcon tool on our server

Banning should be done elsewhere as PHP Rcon only runs when someone has a browser open with it. Use and modify Rules checker (, it has no banning yet, I prefer banning ips/subnets via iptables.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Ashus Wrote:Banning should be done elsewhere as PHP Rcon only runs when someone has a browser open with it. Use and modify Rules checker (, it has no banning yet, I prefer banning ips/subnets via iptables.

reason i cant ban via ip is becasue our gameserver provider doenst allow access to the firewall, so im trying to create a work around
ill check the rules checker and get back to you on the topic

garathnor Wrote:reason i cant ban via ip is becasue our gameserver provider doenst allow access to the firewall, so im trying to create a work around
ill check the rules checker and get back to you on the topic
Don't you have punkbuster on your server?
Else you could use: pb_sv_banmask

no moustache some of our members are located in the uk and our server are in the us so the ping time gets them kicked too often to run pb for it to be fun for them to play

we have set of awesome admins that can detect a cheat from miles away though

so there inlies the issus, we ave no access to the firewall on teh game server and we do nto run pb becasue it create problems for our members as well as kicks for stupid reasons

so that is why i am here trying to find a workaround for that issue

How to create a select box with preset reasons to kick

- for Moustache

Insert this into your config:
$custom_cmds[] = '*


And this into header or footer:

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

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