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Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++

I need help. I will donate $30.00 to anyone who can get me going on this PHPrcon.
I get this.Error while connecting to gameserver; server is down or the map may be changing right now.
It may be my ?? Im not sure what to put in (myserver) below.

My webhost said they do allow udp connection.

Email me..... if it will be easier by voice, we can arrange something.
I have spent countless hours trying to get this running with no luck.

Thanks in advance

I have been helped and am up an running, thanks

I cant figure out what i should have as a screenshot path.
This is the path im trying to insert but i cannot download the html file in the folder:

Can someone please help me.

I can't open, so make sure it is working first - check your webserver configuration, user rights etc.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Hello, Ashus!

I have got a little problem with punkbuster screenshots. Since I changed $screenshots_path in server config and made screenshots' look working my screenshots are disappearing. When I make screenshot, after about 2 mins the .jpg file is getting deleted. Do You know the reason? If so, how can I stop it?


Hi Samik,
I've never heard of such thing. Punkbuster has a config of max. screenshots taken, that number corresponds with the number of existing image files at the same time. Maybe some other third-party application does that.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

hello .. i've been using this Rcon for my clan for sometime .. but i just can't figure out how to install a script to post messages in the server .. like , if i want the server to say "Welcome to 10*G HC MIXED Server " , and i want that and some more messages to cycle the whole time .. can u help me with that ?

Hi, that is not a part of php rcon, try Rules checker.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

ok , thx ^^

hey Ashus, I am trying to put a newer version on my dads website for him, but I get a 500 Internal Server Error, is there a way I coulod fix it? if not, how could I implement a ban option into version 1.8? because thats the main thing he wants. please let me know

hello ashus , sry to bother u again , but im running PhP_Rcon remotely from a webbased host , and im trying to make it connect to the TCAdmin using Ftp , so that i can edit the server ban list through Rcon with out having to login everytime .. now this worked for a friend of mine , but only when the server and Rcon were on the same Host , so i need to define phpRcon how to use FTP .. can u help me with that ?

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