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Rear CD cover template
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Darkness II: carnival min...
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12.2.2025 11:59
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PSPad PHP definition file
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11.2.2025 05:33
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10.2.2025 06:31
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8.2.2025 09:50
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Gray Mayhem cursor set
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7.2.2025 10:28
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If you have tried to forward UDP packets of UPNP (dynamic NAT port forwarding) to another network (you may have NAT further away from you), you need a little workaround for miniupnpd server to accept addresses that are not bound to any interface. The message in debug reads following: miniupnpd[3605]: get_lan_for_peer(): not found !
Let's say we have main router A, that NATs traffic of clients at A and router B. Router A also shapes traffic, so we can't use NAT on B natively and just forward everything to A. We need to forward UPNP and nat-PMP requests from clients of B to the router A. Clients of A have IP range, clients of B The router A has IP and on p2p link with B. Router B has IPs and on p2p link with A.
Getting NAT-PMP to work is really easy, only one line is required in the firewall of B:
# NAT-PMP relay
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp -d --dport 5351 -j DNAT --to-destination
To route multicast traffic, you need to use smcroute on B. Configuration must be done per-IP:
[code]function smcroute_ip {
smcroute -a "$2" "$1" wlan0
smcroute -a wlan0 eth0
for (( i = 2 ; i

My creation from scratch.
- enter any URL and no matter what would happen otherwise, it _will_ be downloaded (ignoring PDF or any other plugins)
- requests are monitored, scanned for video or audio media files, links are automatically added to recent media list of 10
- it can be safely used to download videos from trailers.apple.com or any sites using embedded mp4 files
- no, youtube is not supported as it doesn't send complete files
- multilingual (EN/CZ), more translations are welcome
Verified and published on Chrome extensions (also for Vivaldi) or Opera extensions.

Fixes the Easy Auto Refresh extension.
- removed tracking code
- removed unclickable icon from omnibar displayed on opera:// pages
- icons in omnibar changed to something more fitting to Opera (gray/red)
- default timeout changed from 10 sec to 300 sec (=5 min)
- registration and full functionality retained (not cracked)
To install, drag and drop to Opera, then enable extension.

Remade the Close Tab Button extension (not published anymore, it was distributed with manifest v.1).
- it is a button!
- it closes current tab
- it is a button that doesn't move (well if you download something it moves a tiny bit..), mimics MDI close button
- you don't need to look for the correct X to close current tab
To install, drag and drop to Opera, then enable extension.
Until Opera developers implement reordering of extensions, you have to do the following to make it move to the right:
- make a backup of Preferences file from profile dir
- open the file in notepad
- find "toolbar": [ - reorder the list to make this extension the last in the list
- save it

Here is my list, only stuff I need :? :
- Ashus UserJS
Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller
Close Tab Button
Easy Auto Refresh
Feedly RSS button
Force Download
Flag for Chrome
Image Properties Context Menu
Smooth Gestures
UNI banan.cz
Bookmark Search
Falcon Proxy
Feedly Counter
Fine Link Selector
Opera Font Rendering by thunder13
Speed-Up Browsing

Fixes the Image Properties Context Menu.
- popup window is opened correctly sized and positioned
To install, drag and drop to Opera, then enable extension.

Enables you to download extensions from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/ directly to Opera.
To install chrome extensions, click the extension title in detailed view, the download will begin, then you just need to enable it manually as it is from unofficial source.
Some extensions will work, others won't. It is certainly a lot bigger than Opera's default extension repository.
Updated on 28.11.2013 (HTML code of chrome store changed).
To install, drag and drop to Opera, then enable extension.

Fixes the Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller extension.
- wheel icon from extension bar removed
- made to work in opera:// internal pages - disabled by Opera
To install, drag and drop to Opera, then enable extension. Enable Extensions on opera:// URLs in opera://flags .

Fixes the Smooth Gestures extension.
- removed unclickable icon from omnibar displayed on opera:// pages
- removed internal bookmarks integration (generated errors)
- ready to work in opera:// internal pages - disabled by Opera
To install, drag and drop to Opera, then enable extension. Disable internal gestures in Opera settings so they do not collide. Enable Extensions on opera:// URLs in opera://flags .
chrome.extension.sendMessage({_messageType: 'disable-support'});

Pokud je nutné změnit přihlášeného uživatele pro větší množství systémů a používá se HTTP autentifikace pomocí webserveru (např. pomocí .htpasswd nebo LDAPu konfigurovaného v .htaccess), můžete provést reautentifikaci tímto způsobem, aniž byste zavírali prohlížeč nebo používali tlačítko zpět. Způsoby jako přesměrování na neexistujícího uživatele ve formátu http ://uživatel@server/ se ukázaly liché, protože prohlížeče v URL uživatele nechávají a pak se na údaje ptají na každé stránce. Redirect pomocí header taky není možný, protože pak prohlížeč nemá důvod čekat na nové údaje. Spolehlivě se pouze odhlásit nelze (omezení HTTP).
Celou složku/subdoménu máme zaheslovanou pomocí účtů v .htpasswd.
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Pokud neprovedete nove prihlaseni, zustane prihlasen \''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'].'\'."');
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required');
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=./">';