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Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++

PietroTC: Maybe, tell me, how can I start the Bad Company 2 server? :oops:

No, not until I can start a test server on localhost. I don't even know if the protocol is compatible. Games you can't play on LAN and that make you pay for your server are not for me.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

I did forget to say thanks for this's a wonderful addition to our tools
Great job m8

I have read this forum topic at length, configured the App on my public web server, on a web server provided by my Game Server Provider (UDP not blocked, verified) and on a local WAMP server on my PC where I play the game. I get the same error on all three instances, "No server Available".

I have configured the following files:

The only difference is that my COD4 game server uses port 28930 instead of 28960. I have configured the proper IP, Port and RCON Password in the file.

Any ideas?


$server_ip and $server_port must be filled in, it looks like yours is empty for some reason. Those variables should be entered in servers/* different for each server.
A line defined in '(game) (server_name) (Friendly name)' must point to servers/.inc.php.
The filenames are case sensitive, make sure you have them entered exactly the same. Also check you are using the latest version [2.2e v2]. If you still couldn't make it work, you could send me the config files you changed (with deleted passwords of course).

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Ashus Wrote:A line defined in '(game) (server_name) (Friendly name)' must point to servers/.inc.php.

That was the problem. I neglected to rename the file.

Thank you Ashus


First I would like to congratulate you for this great tool you made.
I used to use this tool on a daily basis in my old clan and loved it.

I'm trying to set it up in my new clan but I have a problem.
I get the usual error message "Error while connecting to gameserver; server is down or the map may be changing right now."

I have set up the following file:
pointing to the servers file in the servers folder where
are configured correctly.

My web server has dedicated IP and I guess I need to request the opening of ports.
Do I need to request the opening of the port 28960 which is my servers ports, if so with what protocol or another port?
Do I also need to set something in my gameservers config file?

Gameserver's config file should have rcon connection enabled and rcon password entered; it uses the same port the clients do. No more ports should be opened on the gameserver.
The problem lies between the webserver and gameserver, moreover the webhosting administrator has probably decided, that they don't need anyone to make a connection via UDP. If you're using the latest version, it should detect whether there are any of the required functions disabled in configuration. If you still see that error you mentioned, it means they are probably blocking it somewhere else. You should ask them to enable the outgoing traffic to UDP port 28960 or choose another hosting. The correctness of your configuration can be checked by installing WAMP server on your PC and trying to set PHP Rcon there - directly from your computer. After you get it 100% right, you can put it online and find a hosting that works.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Thanks for the updating. All working well. Great Program.

Release bugs fixed. Thanks, Moustache.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Nice, works great now. Just like you said Smile

If you need some fixes in the Dutch translation I can help you with it.

And I have a suggestion, I don't need it but maybe other people find it handy.
That it is possible that admin1 only can login to server 1 and 4.
And that admin2 only can use server 2 and 3.
And master_admin can use all servers.

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