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Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++

Can u more specific Smile iam not specially good in php. Pls short tut ill be gratfull.

And another problem (sry offtop):

in servers folder got:


in rcon have message: cant connect server or offline or changing map
Wher's problem
Servers on same machine got diffrent join port.
Reply looks good, read the whole thread and ask again if you have a specific problem. sftp is difficult to set up, I don't have time for things like that, sorry.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Trying all:
first file:

Same error as above :

"Error connecting to server, server is down, or changes the map."

I can connect with any other rcon tool but not with php rcon !
I tried 3 different web servers (php5) , I tried WAMP Server from my PC .. same error !!!

The cod2 server is running in ubuntu and provides access in port 28960 via UDP.
I tried everything posted in this thread with no success !!

Someone above, fixed that problem but he doesn't posted the solution !!

Any help ???

Try to find out if the packets are coming to your server (tcpdump -i eth0 port 28960), if they are, the password may be incorrect.
If they do not come, the problem may be caused by misconfiguration of php rcon / gameserver (rcon_password set correctly?), pc firewall, server's firewall or something else in the way of the packets.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Ashus Wrote:Try to find out if the packets are coming to your server (tcpdump -i eth0 port 28960), if they are, the password may be incorrect.
If they do not come, the problem may be caused by misconfiguration of php rcon / gameserver (rcon_password set correctly?), pc firewall, server's firewall or something else in the way of the packets.

If the packets were not coming to my server then I will had problem with the rcon tool application as well.
Also, i use the same password with rcon tool application and php rcon !!!!
There is not firewall enabled to server or client.

I suggest to check the server by yourself, do you want me to give you the details of the server via PM or chat ??

Ashus, I have sent you the PM with all server details.
First of all, let me know if you have received the PM, then please make your tests and inform me about the result !

Thank you in advance !


I got a problem

I want to split the admin group in 2 ranks. (atm i have it set up that group 0 only has kick rights and group 1 has every right)

Now i know this is possible already and i did it already.
Now i got your rcon running on 2 servers, and how do i set it up that group 0 can only acces 1 server, and group 1 can acces every server?

Because when i enable the option match users to servers i have to make the same server config for every admin. (around 30) And if i then go on the server list on my account (main account) i see 60+ dublicate servers.

Thank you very much.

I have one server running on the port 28960 and it works great Big Grin. But my second server which has the port 28930 wont connect. i tried editing the server to also have port 28960 and it worked but i need it to be 28930

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