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Call Of Duty 2: Kafemlynek MOD 3.0 CZ

It weren't so easy Sad

WARNING: Non-localized Game Message string is not allowed to have letters in it. Must be changed over to a localized string: "^3Player ^7^7Ja^1R^7^7eK^7^3 was kicked for renaming."

******* script runtime error *******
Menu 'error' was not precached
: (file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 1383)
self openMenu("error");
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 1164)
        {self KickMePlease(
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 892)
self thread CheckPlayerName();
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/sd.gsc', line 417)
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/_callbacksetup.gsc', line 38)
started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/sd.gsc', line 873)
      dvar set cl_paused 0
      dvar set com_errorMessage script runtime error
(see console for details)
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/sd.gsc', line 873)

ERROR: script runtime error
(see consol

[Image: b_350_20_D5D9EB_264BC0_110E0E_000000.png]

Try the new one with developer 1.

There is a problem though, when vote menu appears, it wants to see localized string on labels. Since we're passing a lot of variables there, that one can't be done. Your developer=1 setting is surely not the default. Others used the mod without problems - turn devoper to off.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

I wrote earlier
set developer "0"
isn't it enough?

[Image: b_350_20_D5D9EB_264BC0_110E0E_000000.png]

It should be enough. Is it set the same on the server and your client PC?

You were the only one who wrote these specific script error messages to me. Everyone else didn't need to set developer to 0. You might try to clean your cod2/main/profiles/profile/config_mp.cfg of any "developer" settings.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

It's not reading config file. No changeing rcon password. No chanche of name how many players left...

[Image: b_350_20_D5D9EB_264BC0_110E0E_000000.png]

[Image: 43f4b90d5d8d8708med.jpg]

[Image: b_350_20_D5D9EB_264BC0_110E0E_000000.png]

I believe you accidentaly edited one of the original game IWD files. If that's the case, copy the IWD files or reinstall from original DVD and patch it again.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

During voting:

am_vote_now 1

[Image: f70c67d7888b573emed.jpg]

******* script runtime error *******
type string is not a localized string: (file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 2454)
level.hud[count].label = label;
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 457)
createLevelTimerHudElement("vote_timer", 320,440,"center","middle","fullscreen","fullscreen",false,"default",2,4,"Time_to_vote_",vote_zeit,1,0.82,0.73,0.61);
called from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/dm.gsc', line 714)
if(getCvar("am_vote") == "1") maps\mp\gametypes\__kafemlynek_by_ashus::Vote();
started from:
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 2430)
  wait 0.05;
ERROR: script runtime error
(see console for details)
(file 'maps/mp/gametypes/__kafemlynek_by_ashus.gsc', line 2430

Script tried to precache the menu 'ingame' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'team_russiangerman' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'weapon_russian' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'weapon_german' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'serverinfo_sd' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'callvote' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'muteplayer' more than once
Script tried to precache the player head icon 'headicon_russian' more than once
Script tried to precache the player head icon 'headicon_german' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'quickcommands' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'quickstatements' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'quickresponses' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'quicktaunts' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'quicktaunts2' more than once
Script tried to precache the player head icon 'talkingicon' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'open_highscore' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'close_highscore' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'disconnect_me' more than once
Script tried to precache the menu 'error' more than once
Script tried to precache the player head icon 'gfx/hud/hud@spprot_cross.tga' more than once

I know, I've read these already. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any function to convert string to localized_string in cod2 developer tools documentation.
Disable the developer=1. Search all configs for it, including the punkbuster one on both, your PC and the server.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Zdravíčko, kde je prosím zakopanej pes?

Píše to po zvolení mapy toto:
Can´t create dvar  "am_ui_vote_map_10": 1280 dvars already exist.

Představ si kus švýcarského sýra, který je plný děr.
Čím víc sýra, tím víc děr.
Každá díra zabírá místo, kde by mohl být sýr. Takže čím víc děr, tím míň sýru. Čím víc sýru, tím víc děr a tím míň sýru.

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