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Call Of Duty 2: Kafemlynek MOD 3.0 CZ

Hi, Jarek.

Have you configured those? :
set am_abuse_spectators "1"        //enable Spectator abuse (c) Ashus
set am_abuse_spectators_warn_time "285"        //time before the spectator gets warning
set am_abuse_spectators_warn_msg "^3Hrej nebo vypadni, porusujes pravidla" // warning message
set am_abuse_spectators_action "2"    //action after timeout; 1=auto-assign 2=kick
set am_abuse_spectators_action_time "300"    //time before the spectator gets thrown into the game auto-assigned

Besides these variables, the exceptions you posted look configured correctly.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Hi Ashus I have configured this

// CampMeter (c) Ashus
set am_camper_show_campmeter "1"    //enables CampMeter

set am_camper_msg_player_camps "$^1KAMPI"

// Spectator abuse (c) Ashus
set am_abuse_spectators "1"        //enable Spectator abuse
set am_abuse_spectators_warn_time "240"        //time before the spectator gets warning
set am_abuse_spectators_warn_msg "^3Grasz, czy nie ? za minute wylecisz z serwera" // warning message
set am_abuse_spectators_action "2"    //action after timeout; 1=auto-assign 2=kick
set am_abuse_spectators_action_time "300"    //time before the spectator gets thrown into the game auto-assigned
set am_abuse_spectators_assign_weapchoice_timeout "10"        //maximum time spec. has to choose a weapon (else he goes emptyhanded only with pistol)
set am_abuse_spectators_assign_msg "^3Jestes w dziale Wybierz bron, teraz mozesz korzystac tylko z pistoletu." // info message
set am_abuse_spectators_kick_msg "Zostales wyrzucony za brak aktywnosci." // info message
set am_abuse_spectators_kick_from_sd "1"        //ensures players get kicked from SD if they die at the exact same point they have spawned at
set am_abuse_spectators_kick_from_sd_tolerance "1"        //allows players to die at spawn n times

[Image: b_350_20_D5D9EB_264BC0_110E0E_000000.png]

It should work and not get these players kicked for spectating. I don't know what the problem is, just looked in the source code and it is not dependant on any other feature.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

ok, thank you for your time Smile.

[Image: b_350_20_D5D9EB_264BC0_110E0E_000000.png]

Jarclan post_id=376 time=1226347548 user_id=109 Wrote:Tak to je celý ten problém , jsem začátečník .Jen jsem nahrál mod na server .... Ukazkový config vezmu kde ? Jak ho dostanu ?

Vojtech Mayer post_id=2267 time=1515199553 Wrote:
Jarclan post_id=376 time=1226347548 user_id=109 Wrote:Tak to je celý ten problém , jsem začátečník .Jen jsem nahrál mod na server .... Ukazkový config vezmu kde ? Jak ho dostanu ?

Je v archivu u modu, bez prvních pár řádků tvořící komentář.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

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