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Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++

Hi iiKon,

It is for both - windows and linux webserver and windows and linux gameserver. PHP is OS independant Smile

Your problem is in the webspace provider. The PHP script needs to communicate on UDP layer - send and receive UDP packets. Most free webpage hosting services forbid this. Hence you need to launch a webserver on the very same machine, where the gameserver is running. Or you can find yourself another, better webhosting. To test your configuration, you can even install a local webserver on your PC. If you can play there, you can surely connect via UDP, so your own webserver has no restrictions like this. All u need is Apache webserver and PHP5 plugin (linux - debian packages apache2 and php5 or windows installers of both - I myself use WampServer - combination of apache2, php5 and mysql).

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

I run my own dedicated server for the web hosting and dont use any free hosting crap
Thats why i am stumped at this whole thing, and my point of using your tool is so that i can let my clan mates all have admin and use multiple passwords so not to give out the real rcon pw.

Install a webserver on your computer to make sure php rcon is configured properly.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Ey Ashus,

First thing, great job man I really like your php rcon! It works very very nice!

I have 1 question though, is it possible to create a command for punkbuster ban with IP, so the command should then be like this:
pb_sv_banmask NameOfPalyer Reason

So it will fill in the IP and player name automatically and it will give u a pop up to fill in the reason of the ban!

Don't know if this is possible to make or whether it is easy or not. Can you please advise.

Thnx I really appreciate your work!!

Best Regards,


Hi rbjordy,
use the option
$custom_cmds[] = 'PB Ban+msg/pb_sv_ban %n "%m"/1';
The PHP RCon currently doesn't parse the data - IP address or name. Only player ID gets extracted, (and shifted +1 for PB) and used for custom commands.


[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

I added modifications in "", "login.php" and "" (to return to a main page)


Hi Hades,
thanks for your Spanish translation update.
I presume almost everyone makes such little modifications to the tool. Feel free to share with others.
If you wish to maintain the translation in the future, please register here.


[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Ashus Wrote:PietroTC: Thanks very much. I thought you were gonna make large screenshots for me to crop. This is even better. I needed the loseless format so it wouldn't degrade quality by re-compressing at cropping. So now I just converted them to JPGs and included with the other maps. Thanks again.

I thank you for your PHP Rcon !!!!!!!! A nice tool 8-)


Is it possible to get a custom command like this:

To ban the IP address in the firewall of a Linux Dedicated server, like a ban in the iptables?
(this is the command in Linux: iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp -m udp --dport 28960:28966 -j DROP



No, you must make your own interface to write a script with banned IPs. No rcon command could do that. However, iptables can be launched only as a root user, so you need sudo package installed. The iptables line you mentioned should be OK, if you plan to ban ports 28960-28966 (more gameservers on different ports). Just put the target IP instead of And one more thing. Put the lines into a script, because after restart, iptables will be clean again.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

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