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Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++

Thanks for translation.
You can add map_rotate as a custom command. (displayed above players)

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!


Ashus Wrote:Sorry, but I'm using another system for banning clients via iptables. You can use PHP Rules checker to ban IP addresses - but you'd have to program it yourself. Are you sure you can't use punkbuster's banning system?
Call of duty 1 is the game i am using it doesnot support punkbuster. Sad and you could tell me a little about banning via iptables.. It would be of good help as i have also started hosting a linux server. Smile

Basically, you have a list of IP addresses/masks in a textfile (/root/scripts/cod2-banlist.txt)

and the system firewall bash script has these lines:

[code]function BanCOD {
    iptables -A INPUT -p udp -s $1 --dport 28960 -j REJECT


if [ -f $BANPATH ]; then
    ARY=( `cat $BANPATH | tr '\n' ' '` )
    ARY=( )

for (( i = 0 ; i 

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Thanks for telling me that Though it will take time to sink in..You are really nice... .. actually I am a very entry level and PC freak and I just want to know everything about PC's I dunno but its an obsession Wink anyways back on topic. I have tried asking big clan admins but they are really bad in terms of helping they never help Sad So to tackle my problems I Have to learn C++(part of my course) PHP Ubuntu Bash (thanks to you now i know what it is Wink ) Photoshop all at the same time and not to mention I am doing engineering .

Will this be safe I mean If the ban list gets big Its gonna take a while to get the IPs checked? And I think I have to write more code so that when a player connects it sends the comand 'rcon say Player (name) Banned for (reason) on (date:time) by (admin name)'?

The player can't connect anymore, he is not let in to the game port - rejected by firewall. You can use PHP Rules script to notify players of a ban. But the one affected will not see it. It would be better to put it on the web ( ).
You can add lots of IPs, even subnets (

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

Ashus Wrote:Sorry, but I'm using another system for banning clients via iptables. You can use PHP Rules checker to ban IP addresses - but you'd have to program it yourself. Are you sure you can't use punkbuster's banning system?
Actually punkbuster for vCoD 1 ( v 1.1 ) isn't available -.- ps its possible to write a ban tool for cod 1.1 entirely in php. but I dunno how.. some one had done it and its closed source :/

[Image: bantoolrules1.png]

If you tell me which file contain ban section so I can see how can I change a ban technique..
Probably adding a IP in DataBase or store in a txt and put a loop to chk the IP's and ... ... if I could do it it will be fun otherwise -.- you may have to...

Hi guys,

I've been using this amazing PHP Rcon tool for months now, but since i upgraded my server, there is a strange issue.
Some lines are missing in the players list...


I'm using Apache 2.2.22 with PHP 5.4.4-14 on Debian 7.0 (wheezy)

Does any Apache/PHP config may result in missing lines ?

No, the game returns data, and in case of long playerlists, it's missing specific chars at certain points. Those places can't be taken seriously for the player's ID. That's why there are some lines without actions related to specific playerID.

[Image: kavove-zrnka-lajna.jpg]
Coffee phreak!

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