Full Version: Call Of Duty: PHP RCon 2.40 EN++
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I can help you with that.
I sent you a pm.
Ah I see Vercetti is kind enough to help.
If you require more help with testing, or another server to test on, feel free to contact me.
I'll keep checking back regularly.
I have a small question.

How can I get the admin his name?
Because I would like to have a kick reason with the admin his name in it.
So that this command will be sends to the server:
pb_sv_kick 1 2 "You got kicked by admin_name with this reason: Do not swear"
And admin_name needs to be the admin his name of course.

I tried to edit the but I failed.
This doesn't work:
Has anyone gone live with a working copy of the web rcon for black ops?
Someone is making progress with Black Ops as seen here:
The working script is here

Perhaps you guys can work together?


I will use the beta to test it with cod4 Smile
Guest Wrote:I will use the beta to test it with cod4 Smile
Woops, I forgot to login.

But am I failing or are the flags ($geoip_resolve = 4Wink failing?
Because I just see a white box with a ? in it.
You were right, there was a typo in the file action.php, use the new one from fixed package.
Ashus Wrote:You were right, there was a typo in the file action.php, use the new one from fixed package.
Can you paste the line please?
Because I just completed my edits in the action.php else I have to do them all again :oops:
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